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Cs 16 Amx Mod Menu: Learn How to Switch Teams, Restrict Weapons, and Teleport

Writer's picture: palbsubsgratsoftbupalbsubsgratsoftbu

Any user with the ADMIN_RCON (l flag)access level can modify the server's language with an in-game menu.The menu is called with the amx_langmenu command, and can be used tochoose the server's and the client's (see below) languages.

Here is a list of basic AMX commands you will want to use. To use type them into your console (by pressing '' first) when in game.NOTE: In order to access these commands you need to make yourself an admin on your server. Join your server and in console type 'status' Find your nick name and copy down your steam id (STEAM_X:X:XXXXXX) go to: C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configsfind the file named users.cfg and add your Steam ID like the file tells you to.amx_help -displays a list of commands and their functions. Very helpful.amx_mapmenu -displays all the maps from your server so you can switch to them. You will need to do the following before the AMX map menu works:Go to: C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer\cstrikefind mapcycle and open with notepad. Copy contents.Go to: C:\Program Files\Valve\HLServer\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\configsfind maps.cfg and open using notepad and paste the contents of mapcycle.amx_statscfgmenu -a list of all to stats the server can display. In order to see stats with POD Bot you will need to configure amx.cfg by changing this CVARs: csstats_rankbots (turn it on by placing a 1 after it)There are many more commands but these are the ones I use the most. Search AMX for more.

Cs 16 Amx Mod Menu

From version 4.0 it is possible to add an unlimited number of items which can be purchased through the Extra Items menu. All you need to do is use the provided item registration natives on your custom plugins. You can set the name, the cost in ammo packs, and the team the extra item should be available for. By default there is a number of items already included, listed here:

Players can access the mod menu by typing "zpmenu" on chat, or by pressing the M ("chooseteam") key. The menu allows players to choose their zombie/human class, buy extra items, or see the ingame help. Admins will find an additional option to easily perform all console commands.

If you want to be able to use the Podbot admin menu, you need to configure your Counter-Strike client (the one you play the game) with password.First make sure you add the file podbot/podbot.cfg as a mount to your container. This is the folder in the container:

Administrator Commands: amxmodmenu (main menu) amx_addadmin NAME auth ACCESS FLAG PASSWORD authtype (Admin) amx_addban authid_or_ip TIME REASON (adding a ban) amx_unban authid_or_ip (ban removal) amx_ban NAME NEW_NAME TIME REASON (add ban) amx_cfg FILE (loading the specified configuration file) amx_cvar VALUE (change or view the cvar value) amx_help (view available commands) amx_kick NAME_OR_userid REASON (player expelled from the game) amx_last (list of recently released players from the server) amx_leave TAG TEG1 TEG2 TEG3 (exclude all players who do not have the specified clan tags) amx_map CARD (change the card to the specified one) amx_menu (menu for players) amx_modules (view loaded modules) amx_nick NAME NEW_NAME (change player name) amx_off (shutting down plugins) amx_on (enable plugins) amx_pause (enable or disable pause) amx_pausecfg (pause control commands) amx_plugins (view downloaded plugins) amx_rcon COMMAND (rcon command execution on the server) amx_reloadadmins (updating admin rights from users.ini) amx_setlang LANGUAGE (language setting) amx_showrcon TEAM (running a command on the server and viewing the result) amx_slap NAME_OR_userid DAMAGE (spank player) amx_slay NAME_OR_userid (kill player) amx_who (list of players on the server)


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